Nina Mandell, a writer of the NY Daily News, shared fairly bizarre story with the world. Today,
in Florida, a mother gave birth to a set of wins. Whatever, right? No! Do you
really think I would be writing about something so ordinary? The mother gave
birth to a pair of twins all right, but each child came from a separate uterus!
The condition is called Uterus Didelphys, and it occurs in less than 0.5% of
women in the U.S. As rare as the condition is, it is even rarer for the baby’s
to survive the full term, let alone twins. In fact, in most cases each uterus
will achieve pregnancy weeks apart from each other.
As amazing
as this story is, the true reason I’m posting about it is because I had heard
of this condition before hand, when I was watching Grey’s Anatomy. The episode
was called “Let the Angels Commit” and I would really suggest watching it.
P.S. If
you want to learn more about this fascinating condition just click on the link for Uterus Didelphys. And if you want to read Andreea Barbosa’s story you can read the
article “Florida Woman Gives Birth to a Set of Twins—From Two DifferentUteruses.”