Thursday, April 19, 2012


It's been a while since I've posted here... With work and school, I just never really find the time anymore. It's finals weeks, so school has just been taking over my life. But now, when I need it the most, my will to study has just gone down the garbage. So I took it upon myself to search for some tranquil images. That, and to listen to some music. My favorite band has to be Bitter:Sweet. You've probably heard it in the videos I make. There music is just so carefree, soothing, but upbeat all at the same time. Some people have been asking me how I got the name RampageKat... Hmmm.. Maybe one day, I'll share that story with all of you.

P.S. I'd like to know what my readers do to unwind. Leave a comment in the section below.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Photoshop Fail

So I just got photoshop and decided I would make an attempt at making something decent. Well it turns out I suck, but I had to at the very least show you what I created. Tell me what you think in the comment section below. 


Monday, February 27, 2012

Life's a Bitch and Then You Die

My father would tell me that when I was very young. It is not until recently that I realized how wrong he really was. Sure, life can be a bitch at times, but there are also the sweet things in life that make it all worth while. Recently I went through a critical event in my life and I realized that I have people that truly love me and would neer do anything to hurt me. Although now I find myself broken from time to time, I have people that make me laugh, help me feel safe, and secure. These are the people I trust and those I would do anything for in return. Knowing I have these people to support me, I know that I can move forward. By moving forward I know that everything that happens in our lives will have apurrpose in retrospect. However, that does not mean our lives in predestined. We choose to either move forward or bow down to our defeat. There are an infinite number decision in our life time, and all of them lead to where we are at this very moment. My suggestion to you is to never give up, regardless of what people tell you because, yes, life will beat you down to the floor and kick you in the back while your down, but that shouldn't stop you from getting up and walking forward. The truth? There are little to no people that will be there to help you get back up, so prize those who help you, move away from those who hurt you, and stay from those who do nothing but watch as your down on your knees.

Life's a Bitch, You Move on and Hope to Die a Pleasant Death.

Rampage Kat

P.S. Sorry for my crappy grammar and writing skills

Friday, February 3, 2012

Fun Site

Here's a quick little assessment you can take that tells you your personality that is correct for the most part. I did it and it was interesting to see my personality in words. I would highly suggest taking this quick, fun, and thought provoking quiz.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bad Ass Water Trick

You guys have to check this out!! I have no clue as to how exactly this works, but it seems to be legit, or at the very least something interesting to watch.
