Friday, October 7, 2011

Free Rice

                Recently, through my membership to Psi Chi, I was exposed to a site called Free Rice. The site is absolutely wonderful. It was founded in 2007 by John Breen, and it aims to both educate the population and end world hunger. How it’s done? Well it’s simple. The first step is to choose a subject area, from this area you are asked various questions, and if you answer the question correct you earn 10 grains of rice for hungry people around the world.
                So what is 10 grains of rice? You may not realize it, but it’s actually a lot. With thousands of people answering only a few questions a day we make a significant difference in ending world hunger. Each question takes seconds of your life, in one minute you can get twelve questions done easy. Twelve correct questions means 120 grains of rice. With the average person needing approximately 20,000 grains of rice a day it would take a group of 20 to answer questions correctly for less than 10 minutes to feed this starving being. Over two billion people in the world have access to the internet, so does ending world hunger really seem like a goal we cannot accomplish?
                I ask you from the wholeness of my heart to make a difference in the world in any little way that you can.

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