Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stop Being Angry!

This is a rant; excuse my spelling, grammar, etc., etc.

So yesterday I finally get to be with Brandon until the end of the evening. Of course I get excited to see him so as soon as I finish my last class I give him a call to warn him that I’m heading over. Well, all is fine and dandy until he reveals to me a new little fact he learns. The fact is "A virus is not a living organism on its own because it cannot reproduce without a host." Well apparently this is absolutely contrary to his previous beliefs, and he is "frustrated" about it. I put frustration in quotes because that is what he claims he was while I presumed he was angry. Now, the problem is not that he gets frustrated/angry. The problem is that he gets this way for an insignificant little aspect in his life. 
In my reality when something so insignificant happens I brush it off. When there is a problem but nothing can be done to change or fix the situation, I just keep moving on with my merry life. When there is a problem and there is a solution, the next step is to solve the problem. It is simple. Of course, I’m not saying that life is simple, far from it. Problems arrive in various shapes and sizes, the solution is not always straight forward, and it is not always a problem that can be solved quickly, but that is life. There are endless amounts of hardships. 
This actually reminds me of this little saying I found on a porcelain figure at my grandmother’s house one time. Now, I feel obligated to tell you that I am not a firm believer in God; I have my own theory as to what God is. Far from the point, the figure read 
God grant me the serenity 
To accept the things I cannot change; 
The courage to change the things I can; 
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Humans have been blessed with the mental capabilities to understand their environment and adapt adequately in order to survive. So tell me why it’s that he spends so much time being angry at something that he can't change? That is the fact, a virus is not alive, unless it has the reproductive organs that are provided by a hosts cells. If he wants to change that fact, he'll have to become some major bad ass biologist to do so. 
Oh! But to do that, he has to go to school! Have I mentioned how much he despises school? He's angry all the time because he has to go to a stupid school that can't even provide enough parking to provide for the students it accepted this year. Well babe, what do you want me to tell you? That the school is amazing? It's not. That it's horrible? It's not that either. School is school; it will never be great because we have been taught to hate the damn place since we started kindergarten. So please, stop being angry at the school for being idiotic, the way I see it is you have 2 choices. 
1) Deal with it 
2) Drop out
Sigh* I love this guy way too much. Yeah, when he gets angry it makes me sad but I adore the fact that he confides in me to talk about it. I will listen to every one of his rants and I will do my very best to help him because I care about him. It’s as simple as that.
Feels good to have a clear mind again, thanks for reading guys. If you have any comments feel free to share J

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