Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Two Uteri One Mom

Today, Nina Mandell, a writer of the NY Daily News, shared  fairly bizarre story with the world. Today, in Florida, a mother gave birth to a set of wins. Whatever, right? No! Do you really think I would be writing about something so ordinary? The mother gave birth to a pair of twins all right, but each child came from a separate uterus! The condition is called Uterus Didelphys, and it occurs in less than 0.5% of women in the U.S. As rare as the condition is, it is even rarer for the baby’s to survive the full term, let alone twins. In fact, in most cases each uterus will achieve pregnancy weeks apart from each other.
As amazing as this story is, the true reason I’m posting about it is because I had heard of this condition before hand, when I was watching Grey’s Anatomy. The episode was called “Let the Angels Commit” and I would really suggest watching it.
P.S. If you want to learn more about this fascinating  condition just click on the link for Uterus Didelphys. And if you want to read Andreea Barbosa’s story you can read the article “Florida Woman Gives Birth to a Set of Twins—From Two DifferentUteruses.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Deed Two: Warmth In The Rain

Not to long ago it was a horribly rainy day, with dark skies and menacing lightening bolts. I was walking to my car, soaking in the tears of the sky. When suddenly the kindest woman came to me and offered me shelter under her umbrella. I honestly didn't need it, but I accepted her humble offer. Her name was Julie, and I hope she got some major karma points because in a crowd of 15 she was the only one kind enough to offer her umbrella, even though it was probably the smallest one I've ever seen. Not many people would allow a stranger get so close to their bubble, but every once in while it may happen. I find joy in these magnificently rare moments.

P.S. share with me your stories of light on a stormy day in the comment section below.

100 Deeds

Every once in a while, something will happens that just makes your day. 100 Deeds will be a new series of posts dedicated to naming a good deed that I have either experienced or have performed. Deeds that not only makes someone smile, but also gives that satisfying feeling to the self. Along the way, I hope that you will comment in the section below of the good doings you have either experienced or performed in your life time.

Deed #1

It just so happens that last night at about 12:00 AM I was heading back home from my boyfriends house, when less than a block away laid a dead dog. A German Shepherd to be more precise. The owner was running down the street with his other shepherd towards the dog when I was about to avoid it. I stopped, and the man came to my window with waterfalls of tears running down his cheeks. He asked me to wait in front of the dog, while he went around the corner to get his car. So I did. I've been taught to never help a stranger because they may not have good intentions, but I felt that because I was in the safety of my car I could get away with it. I put my hazard lights on and waited inside my car in front of this limp dog. I waited for no more than ten minutes when the owner came back. This time with his car and his son. He again came up to me and sobbing he said " I don't know who you are, but thank you so much." These words made me so content. I was greatly satisfied with my deed. And I want to share this with you.

P.S. I want to know that this world has hope in it, so please share with me the good deeds you have either done, experienced, or seen.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Craving Steak

The place to go is definitely "El Rinconcito Paisa."

As the carnivore that I am, I really appreciate the quality of this steak, but the price is the real kicker. For the minimal price of 16 dollars you get a hot plate with a nice long thick piece of grilled Sirloin, plantains, rice, beans, and a salad. Not to mention the mouthwatering sauces on the side. My personal favorite is the red spice sauce, but you can't miss out on the perfectly devised Chimichurri that will leave your taste buds in heaven for days. I absolutely recommend going here for a simple dinner with lots of food. But be aware that not all branches may be as amazing!

P.S. Aside from ballin' restaurants like "the knife" and what not, do you guys recommend any places where I can get some good steak?

Friday, September 2, 2011


     Can you resist Temptation?
     Her warm body,
     Her alluring scent,
     Her flawless skin.

     A single taste will do no harm.
     Do not resist,
     Experience ultimate bliss.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Samurai V. Ninja

There is a major difference between a Samurai and a Ninja. The ideal Samurai is an honorable warrior, strictly follows the Bushido code, and defending his honor through battle and death. A Ninja is deceitful, hiding in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
This is what I think. No doubt about it the Ninja would win. They may not be as driven as the Samurai but they are trained in the arts of silent death. This is how the scenarios would play out.
1.) Ninja is sent on an assignment to kill Samurai. He will attack at his weakest hour, in the dark of the night while Samurai sleeps. Done, no hesitation, the Samurai's death comes easily
2.) Samurai is ordered by his superior to kill Ninja. Supposing he were to attempt the same kill, at Ninja's weakest hour Samurai attempts to kill him. But the subtle sounds of his armor clanking would immediately alert the Ninja. Therefore, he would hide and again wait for the appropriate moment to strike.
Now I understand that there might be the slightest chance that the Samurai can come face to face with the Ninja. If that were to occur, the Samurai would defeat him. No questions asked. To the Samurai, defeat is unacceptable, it is dishonorable and can only be resolved by death. To the Samurai, battle is everything they are, it is their world. So they train furiously because triumph in battle is equivalent to their honor.