Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stop Being Angry!

This is a rant; excuse my spelling, grammar, etc., etc.

So yesterday I finally get to be with Brandon until the end of the evening. Of course I get excited to see him so as soon as I finish my last class I give him a call to warn him that I’m heading over. Well, all is fine and dandy until he reveals to me a new little fact he learns. The fact is "A virus is not a living organism on its own because it cannot reproduce without a host." Well apparently this is absolutely contrary to his previous beliefs, and he is "frustrated" about it. I put frustration in quotes because that is what he claims he was while I presumed he was angry. Now, the problem is not that he gets frustrated/angry. The problem is that he gets this way for an insignificant little aspect in his life. 
In my reality when something so insignificant happens I brush it off. When there is a problem but nothing can be done to change or fix the situation, I just keep moving on with my merry life. When there is a problem and there is a solution, the next step is to solve the problem. It is simple. Of course, I’m not saying that life is simple, far from it. Problems arrive in various shapes and sizes, the solution is not always straight forward, and it is not always a problem that can be solved quickly, but that is life. There are endless amounts of hardships. 
This actually reminds me of this little saying I found on a porcelain figure at my grandmother’s house one time. Now, I feel obligated to tell you that I am not a firm believer in God; I have my own theory as to what God is. Far from the point, the figure read 
God grant me the serenity 
To accept the things I cannot change; 
The courage to change the things I can; 
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Humans have been blessed with the mental capabilities to understand their environment and adapt adequately in order to survive. So tell me why it’s that he spends so much time being angry at something that he can't change? That is the fact, a virus is not alive, unless it has the reproductive organs that are provided by a hosts cells. If he wants to change that fact, he'll have to become some major bad ass biologist to do so. 
Oh! But to do that, he has to go to school! Have I mentioned how much he despises school? He's angry all the time because he has to go to a stupid school that can't even provide enough parking to provide for the students it accepted this year. Well babe, what do you want me to tell you? That the school is amazing? It's not. That it's horrible? It's not that either. School is school; it will never be great because we have been taught to hate the damn place since we started kindergarten. So please, stop being angry at the school for being idiotic, the way I see it is you have 2 choices. 
1) Deal with it 
2) Drop out
Sigh* I love this guy way too much. Yeah, when he gets angry it makes me sad but I adore the fact that he confides in me to talk about it. I will listen to every one of his rants and I will do my very best to help him because I care about him. It’s as simple as that.
Feels good to have a clear mind again, thanks for reading guys. If you have any comments feel free to share J

Monday, August 22, 2011

Passionate Kiss

Nothing gives me more pleasure than a kiss that tells me "I will be yours forever." The moment you place your lips upon mine takes my breath away. Your arms wrap around me tight as if to never let me go. Your body hunches over me as if to protect me from the surrounding dangers. No moment excites me more than when you use explicit details and evidence to tell me how much you love me without using a single word.

I've fallen in love with your kiss, touch, smile, laugh, eyes, passion, kindness, intelligence, stubbornness, everything that makes you you. So please, my Sweet Darling Love, do not insult me by asking "Babe, would you love me more if I had (insert meaningless superficial object here)?"

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Road Trip

First Stop: To the Mall 

First thing’s first. The Candy in this place is fucking amazing! Is it worth the price they ask for? Well that’s up to you, it’s $ 12.99/lb, but the quality and variety is amazing! I went to the store in Orlando at the Florida Mall. It was fun to just look at all the colors, but I have to say the most interesting candy there were these milk chocolate rocks. Yes, I said rocks. They are basically like M&M’s only like 50 times better.

After a brisk afternoon at the mall we enjoyed a nice few hours at the pool of our pretty crappy hotel. Next time we visit we are going to say in a 5 star resort where breakfast and dinner is brought to our room in a silver platter with a red rose in a thin vase on the side. No cockroaches aloud! Soon after that we showered and slept as early as we could.

Second Stop: Islands of Adventure
                The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is the icon of awesomeness. The amount of detail and work put into create this magical world made it almost impossible for you not to love this park. I’m personally not a Harry Potter fanatic, but that did not strip me of being awe struck. The line for the actual ride was not that long it moved quickly, the only slow down were people who were already in the castle taking pictures. Needless to say we became those people once we got in.
The process of getting onto the ride was actually very systematic, which in my mind was a very big plus. I absolutely despise having to wait forever for a ride that takes less than 20 seconds to complete. When we got onto our “brooms” (it’s really a bench of coaster seats) we were sent on our way to flee from a dragon, into the forest with the giant spiders, a close encounter with the moving tree, a Quidditch match, an attack from the Dementors, and finally to safety. It was really a trip! I rode it a total of 3 times in that one morning!

The Blue Man Group was another great even of the day! These guys were so silly! The music was amazing, their acts were even better. My favorite part of the evening was towards the end when they blasted the music, lit up the auditorium with black lights, dropped streams of colored tubes, and spread tons of toilet paper across the room. It was extraordinarily fun!

Third Stop: Universal Studios
                Not much to say about this place. It was a fun brisk day with many pictures of us with cars, fun characters, and what not. It rained quite a bit, but nothing makes my day better like dippin’ dots. The shows were fun, and the rides didn’t make me light headed which was a major plus.
                Now that I think about it, we didn’t do much at this park. Let’s see: E.T, Shrek 4D, The Simpson’s Ride, Disaster, Twister, Animal Actors, Jaws and the Horror Make-Up Show. Okay, so I guess we actually did a lot. Regardless, it felt like significantly less compared to the day at Islands of Adventure.

Final Thoughts
Let me not forget the best part of the whole damn trip! Taking a picture with a hunky Captain America MAN! Bro! This guy was so damn sexy I dreamt of him that very night. Can you say HOT DAMN! Hahaha! It was a silly dream with my girlfriend and me competing for him. There were secret doors and hidden passage ways it was awesome. But I had my very own captain at home ;) Needless to say that dreams are fun while they last, but real life takes the cake.

Friday, August 12, 2011

If I Trusted Myself

I would trust you too.

For the longest time I believed that I was a good person: honest, kind, trust worthy, the whole shebang. This was true until I cheated. I had no intention of doing so, but once upon a time I did. Shit happens, and no matter how rational you are, when emotions come into play there is no room for rationality.

So, don't you see? I, a "good" person, am not necessarily always good. So how can I trust that You, a "good" person, won't be just as bad as I have been? Everyone is flawed. Everyone sins. Everyone fucks up. I have no reason to trust you or anyone. Whether it be intentional or not, pain will stab me in the heart, and there is nothing I can do about it.

P.s. This all started because my boyfriend is going to a good bye party for his Ex Girlfriend, whom he used to be In Love with. That scares me a bit, but please share what you think about this situation. 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

When My Heart Aches for You

The simple cure to a longing heart is a nice tall glass of chocolate milk. The recipe is easy. Pour about a sixteenth of that cup with chocolate syrup, fill the rest of the cup with milk, and stir. For an extra kick add whipped cream starting from the rim of the cup and working your way inward. You can’t stop there though, if you add the whipped cream you have to add some chocolate syrup on top.
I learned this cure recently when I had to leave my boyfriend extra early one day. I felt a mini void when I left, which yeah is a cliché but tis life. I’m not going to tell him yet, but I think I’ve fallen in love. But that’s for another day. Today I will tell you that drinking chocolate milk made the rest of my day easier so you should try it too. 
Chocolate has been shown to temporarily induce happiness because of "it's high levels of sugar and fat, phenylethylamine, and caffeine." The sugar releases serotonin while the fat and phenylethylamine release endorphins. This combination of neurotransmitters induces "happiness." The Caffeine in chocolate acts as a slights stimulant as well. (

P.S. I wouldn't suggest drinking so much of it… Might get you a bit sick..

Saturday, August 6, 2011

One Rose

In the Streets of Miami you’ll usually find a street vendor on just about every street corner. Well every time I see a vendor selling flowers the same image comes to mind. I imagine a handsome man walking down the streets and gazing into my car, in awe he would knock on my window and offer me a single rose.

The story is unrealistic, so I’ll make do with the love of my life making the same gesture. But it can’t just be any ordinary rose on any ordinary day. One day when I’m sad and gloomy, and can’t stand to get up I want to receive a single Rainbow Rose. It’s a colorful artificially made rose. While that sounds cold, it must be a difficult process to get each petal to be a different color. And to receive such a fun appearing flower would instantly brighten my day. J

But on Valentines day or our Anniversary, nothing would mean more to me than to receive a dried rose. See to me, it's not a dead rose, it's a preserved rose. What would say "love me forever" than a rose that does not wilt and will stay beautiful. 
Yeah, Yeah, I'm a girl with emotions and silly dreams. Get used to it.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Heard Sex is Funner Alone

I scroll through my past and think about how useless it was to fall in love with someone like you. I wasted 3 years of my life waiting for you to be the perfect guy I once knew. When that didn't happen you threw me away like a piece of trash. At least when I did the deed of breaking us apart you could see the pain in my eyes as I did it. But no, you sent me a cold text on a random ass mother fucking day saying you thought we should break up. I was right about to enter my Italian class and had to get up and leave five minutes in.

To think that something that lasted so long could be ended so quickly. And to end over a text message! You INFERIOR BASTARD! You knew how much pain I would be in for that idiotic move alone! The worst part was having to tell my closest friends. They were waiting for me to get out of class and when I got to them the words just wouldn't escape my lips. When I started to cry they knew instantly. By the time I told them the news they had paper towels in hand. As soon as I accepted those sheets, I admitted my venerability. I was no longer as tough as I seemed.

When I look back at it now... We had our good times, and once upon a time I was happy with you, but that was no longer the case. You started to need Guys Night Out. THEN! Then you have the nerve to tell me that you broke up with me because you wanted to have fun as a single 19 year old boy. Like you weren't doing that shit already! All I asked was for you to invite me. Somehow you saw me as a restraint to your happiness, when all I was trying to do was be a part of it.

I'm glad you broke my heart Frank Alvarez Abreu.

P.S. Three days later I went on a date with my secret crush. Within a month he was solely mine. Almost four months later and he already knows every detail about me. This includes how much I despise just watching you play video games.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Temptation Cigars

A beautiful cigar aged to perfection in a tempting Robusto Maduro wrapper. It features long filler from Nicaragua, a delectable binder from Nicaragua, and an Ecuadorian wrapper. The Robusto Maduro offers rich and subtle notes that provide abundant flavor and yet a light and delicate smoking experience for the beginner as well as the advanced smoker.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Night One

You know how when you have a nightmare, you tend to wake up when it gets too scary. I stopped doing that a while back. In fact, now when I have a nightmare I just stay and enjoy the show. It’s like watching a scary movie, it’s scary and you get stressed about the stupidity of main character, but you know it can’t hurt you.

Last night I had a dream about Demons. I was in a different home with two men in the living room. The first scene I remember is an enormous arm stretching out across the room, grabbing Man A, and throwing him across the room. His body slammed through a glass and he laid limp in front of me, with his face enveloped by glass shatters. Man B instantly betrayed his friend and aided the demon in assuring his death. He claimed Man A was still alive and suddenly he was asking the man “what are you doing?” and so the demon carried on by stretching out his grotesque arm and slamming the man across the room once again. This time, when he had his back turned I ran toward the bathroom, locked the door, and managed to escape through a small window in the shower. I ran and jumped over seven foot fences. This was part of a previous dream, where I would run, jump over these fences, and hide. But the demon would always find me. This time around I managed to get out of this cycle.  

The perception changes, and it turns out that the person that escaped was actually my sister, who left her baby in the house. I break into a car by slamming the window, and somehow the car just starts. Now we are in my boyfriend's neighbor hood, along with hundreds of other people escaping from their demons. As we flee we pass through a cemetery, but the memorial stones are covered in blood and arranged in a satanic circle. Someone had created a portal for the demons to pass through. 
On our way to a haven their is a road block. The cops are checking every car to ensure that there are no demons passing through. Hilariously enough the haven is the garage of a shopping mall. When we park the car we find my sisters family in law. The baby didn't make it, but her husband survived. When she gets back into the car she is no longer my sister, but my mom. I rush her into the car, but she's taking forever to put on her shoes.

I Wake Up...

Monday, August 1, 2011

First Day

On the first day of school, there are two types of insomnia the night before. 1) the child who is so awkwardly nervous they can’t stand the idea of school the next day, or 2) the child who is so excited about seeing their friends the thought makes them restless. Well, I’m that awkwardly nervous child who crumbles at the thought of having to make new friends. This right now is me attempting to get into a crowd of people and hoping my very best that someone will notice me. Hoping that that one person is so well connected that I won’t have to go out of my way to make friends, they will simply all be introduced to me.

This is the first of many days to come; I hope to make many new friends.